Title: | Educational Assessment Tools for Replication Methods |
Description: | Replication methods to compute some basic statistic operations (means, standard deviations, frequency tables, percentiles, mean comparisons using weighted effect coding, generalized linear models, and linear multilevel models) in complex survey designs comprising multiple imputed or nested imputed variables and/or a clustered sampling structure which both deserve special procedures at least in estimating standard errors. See the package documentation for a more detailed description along with references. |
Authors: | Sebastian Weirich [aut, cre], Martin Hecht [aut], Karoline Sachse [aut], Benjamin Becker [aut], Edna Grewers [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Weirich <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.15.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-27 11:27:30 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/weirichs/eatrep |
The package provide functions to computes some basic statistic operations—(adjusted) means, standard deviations, frequency tables, percentiles and generalized linear models—in complex survey designs comprising multiple imputed variables and/or a clustered sampling structure which both deserve special procedures at least in estimating standard errors. In large-scale assessments, standard errors are comprised of three components: the measurement error, the sampling error, and (if trend estimation of at least two times of measurement are involved) the linking error.
Measurement error: In complex surveys or large-scale assessments, measurement errors are taken
into account by the mean of multiple imputed variables. The computation of standard errors for the mean
of a multiple imputed variable (e.g. plausible values) involves the formulas provided by Rubin (1987).
Computing standard errors for the mean of a nested imputed variable involves the formulas provided by
Rubin (2003). Both methods are implemented in the package. The estimation of and adjusted
in linear and generalized linear regression models with multiple imputed data sets is
realized using the methods provided in Harel (2009).
Sampling error: Computation of sampling errors of variables which stem from a clustered design may involve replication methods like balanced repeated replicate (BRR), bootstrap or Jackknife methods. See Westat (2000), Foy, Galia & Li (2008), Rust and Rao (1996), and Wolter (1985) for details. To date, the Jackknife-1 (JK1), Jackknife-2 (JK2) and the Balanced Repeated Replicates (BRR; optionally with Fay's method) procedures are supported.
Linking error: Lastly, standard errors for trend estimates may involve incorporating
linking errors to account for potential differential item functioning or item parameter drift.
allows to account for linking error when computing standard errors for trend
estimates. Standard error estimation is conducted according to the operational practice in
PISA, see equation 5 in Sachse & Haag (2017).
The package eatRep
is designed to combine one or several error types which is necessary,
for example, if (nested) multiple imputed data are used in clustered designs. Considering the
structure is relevant especially for the estimation of standard errors. The estimation of national
trends requires a sequential analysis for both measurements and a comparison of estimates between them.
Technically, eatRep
is a wrapper for the survey
package (Lumley, 2004). Each function in
corresponds to a specific function in survey
which is called repeatedly during the analysis.
Hence, a nested loop is used. We use “trend replicates” in the outer loop, “imputation replicates”
in the middle loop to account for multiple imputed data, and “cluster replicates” in the inner loop to
account for the clustered sampling structure. While the functional principle of survey
is based on
replication of standard analyses, eatRep
is based on replication of survey
analyses to take
multiple imputed data into account. More recent versions of the package additionally allow estimations using
the BIFIEsurvey
package instead of survey
which provide substantial advantages in terms of speed.
For each imputed data set in each measurement, i.e. in the inner loop, the eatRep
function first creates
replicate weights based on the primary sampling unit (PSU) variable and the replication indicator variable. In
the jackknife procedure, the first one is often referred to as “jackknife zone”, whereas the second one
is often referred to as “jackknife replicate”. The number of distinct units in the PSU variable defines
the number of replications which are necessary due to the clustered structure. A design object is created and
the appropriate survey
function is called. The process is repeated for each imputed dataset and the
results of the analyses are pooled. The pooling procedure varies in relation to the type of variable to be
pooled. For examples, means or regression coefficients are pooled according to Rubin (1987) or Rubin (2003).
is pooled according to Harel (2009), using a Fisher z-transformation. Chi-square distributed values
are pooled according to Thomas and Rao (1990) for clustered data and according to Enders (2010) and
Allison (2002) for multiple imputed data. For trend analyses, the whole process is repeated two times
(according to the two measurements) and the difference of the estimates are computed along with their
pooled standard errors.
Without trend estimation, the outer loop has only one cycle (instead of two). Without multiple imputations,
the middle loop has only one cycle. Without a clustered sampling structure (i.e, in a random sample), the
inner loop has only one cycle. Without trend, imputation and clustered structure, no replication is performed
at all. To compute simple mean estimates, for example, eatRep
then simply calls mean
of svymean
from the survey
package. A special case occurs with nested multiple imputation.
We then have four loops in a nested structure. Hence, the corresponding analyses may take considerably
computational effort.
Important note: Starting with version 0.10.0, several methods for the standard error estimation
of cross level differences are implemented. Prior to version 0.10.0, the standard error for the difference
between one single group (e.g., Belgium) and the total population (which is comprised of several states including
Belgium) was estimated as if both groups would have been independent from each other. The standard errors,
however, are biased then. Two new methods are now applicable using the argument crossDiffSE
and provide unbiased standard errors—weighted effect coding (wec) and replication
methods (rep); see, for example te Grotenhuis et al. (2017) and Weirich et al. (2021). The old method is still available by
using crossDiffSE = "old"
. Note that the default method now is weighted effect coding.
Second important note: Starting with version 0.13.0, function names have been changed due to
inconsistent former denomination: Function jk2.mean
now goes under the name of repMean
was renamed to repTable
, jk2.quantile
was renamed to repQuantile
and jk2.glm
now goes under the name of repGlm
. The old functions are deprecated and will
be removed in further package publications. Renaming was driven by the fact that the corresponding
functions now have broader range of methods than only jackknife-2.
Third important note: Starting with version 0.15.0, the reporting function report
was deprecated
due to inefficient and error-prone programming. The new reporting function report2
has a new output
format which provides an interface for the eatPlot
package. Old functionality was roughly supplied using
, but if the 1:1 output of former version is requested, please use version 0.14.7.
Package: | eatRep |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 0.15.1 |
Date: | 2025-02-09 |
License: | GPL(>=2) |
Authors: Sebastian Weirich <[email protected]>, Martin Hecht <[email protected]>, Benjamin Becker <[email protected]>
Allison, P. D. (2002). Missing data. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Enders, C. K. (2010). Applied missing data analysis. Guilford Press.
Foy, P., Galia , J. & Li, I. (2008). Scaling the data from the TIMSS 2007 mathematics and science assessment. In J. F. Olson, M. O. Martin & I. V. S. Mullis (ed.), TIMSS 2007 Technical Report (S. 225–280). Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College.
Harel, O. (2009): The estimation of and adjusted
in incomplete data
sets using multiple imputation. Journal of Applied Statistics. 36, 10, 1109–1118.
Lumley, T. (2004). Analysis of complex survey samples. Journal of Statistical Software 9(1): 1–19
Rubin, D. B. (1987). Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. New York: Wiley.
Rubin, D.B. (2003): Nested multiple imputation of NMES via partially incompatible MCMC. Statistica Neerlandica 57, 1, 3–18.
Rust, K., & Rao, JNK. (1996): Variance estimation for complex surveys using replication techniques. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 5, 283–310.
Sachse, K. A. & Haag, N. (2017). Standard errors for national trends in international large-scale assessments in the case of cross-national differential item functioning. Applied Measurement in Education, 30, (2), 102-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08957347.2017.1283315
Satorra, A., & Bentler, P. M. (1994). Corrections to test statistics and standard errors in covariance structure analysis.
te Grotenhuis, M., Pelzer, B., Eisinga, R., Nieuwenhuis, R., Schmidt-Catran, A., & Konig, R. (2017). When size matters: advantages of weighted effect coding in observational studies. International Journal of Public Health. 62, 163–167.
Thomas, D. R. & Rao, JNK (1990): Small-sample comparison of level and power for simple goodness-of- fit statistics under cluster sampling. JASA 82:630-636
Weirich, S., Hecht, M., Becker, B. et al. (2021). Comparing group means with the total mean in random samples, surveys, and large-scale assessments: A tutorial and software illustration. Behavior Research Methods. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01553-1
Westat (2000). WesVar. Rockville, MD: Westat.
Wolter, K. M. (1985). Introduction to variance estimation. New York: Springer.
This function checks if a linking error data.frame
is compatible with multiple trend eatGADS
data bases.
checkLEs(filePaths, leDF)
checkLEs(filePaths, leDF)
filePaths |
Character vectors with at least two paths to the |
leDF |
Linking error |
This function inspects whether all linking error variables correspond to variables in the eatGADS
data base
and if the key variables also correspond to existing variables in the trend eatGADS
data bases.
Returns a report list.
trenddat1 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2010.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat2 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2015.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat3 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2020.db", package = "eatGADS") load(system.file("extdata", "linking_error.rda", package = "eatRep")) check1 <- checkLEs(c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), lErr) check2 <- checkLEs(c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), lErr[1:14,])
trenddat1 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2010.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat2 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2015.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat3 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2020.db", package = "eatGADS") load(system.file("extdata", "linking_error.rda", package = "eatRep")) check1 <- checkLEs(c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), lErr) check2 <- checkLEs(c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), lErr[1:14,])
Function adds randomly generated jackknife-1 zones to the data.
generateRandomJk1Zones (datL, unit, nZones, name = "randomCluster")
generateRandomJk1Zones (datL, unit, nZones, name = "randomCluster")
datL |
Data frame containing at least the primary sampling unit variable |
unit |
Variable name or column number of the primary sampling unit (i.e. student or class identifier) |
nZones |
integer: number of jackknife zones. Note: The umber of jackknife zones must not exceed the number of distinct sampling units |
name |
New name of the jackknife-zone variable in the data set |
The original data with an additional column of the jackknife-zone variable
data(lsa) ### We only consider year 2010 lsa10<- lsa[which(lsa[,"year"] == 2010),] lsa10<- generateRandomJk1Zones(datL = lsa10, unit="idclass", nZones = 50)
data(lsa) ### We only consider year 2010 lsa10<- lsa[which(lsa[,"year"] == 2010),] lsa10<- generateRandomJk1Zones(datL = lsa10, unit="idclass", nZones = 50)
This example data set contains fictional achievement scores of 11637 students from three countries and two times of measurement in two domains (reading and listening comprehension) in the long format. The data set contains nested multiple imputed plausible values of achievement scores as well as some demographic variables. Illustrating trend analyses, data from two fictional time points (2010 and 2015) are included.
The data set can be used for several illustration purposes. For example, if only multiple imputation
should be considered (without nesting), simply use only cases from the first nest (by subsetting). If
only one time of measurement should be considered (i.e., without any trend analyses), simply choose
only cases from 2010 or 2015. If only reading or listening should be considered, choose the desired
domain by subsetting according to the domain
'data.frame': 77322 obs. of 25 variables
Year of evaluation
individual student identification
class identifier
Total case weight
School weight (level 2 weight)
Student weight (level 1 weight)
jackknifing zone (jk2)
jackknife replicate
Number of imputation
Number of nest (for nested imputation only)
The country an examinee stems from
student's sex
student's socio-economical status
student's migration background
The domain the corresponding score belongs to
student's achievement score (corresponding to the domain reading or listening, and to the imputation 1, 2, or 3)
student's competence level
dichotomous indicator whether the student fails to fulfill the minimal standard
dichotomous indicator whether the student fulfills at least the regular standard
dichotomous indicator whether the student fulfills the optimal standard
linking error of each student's achievement score
linking error of each student's competence level
linking error of each student's indicator of failing to fulfill the minimal standard
linking error of each student's indicator of fulfilling the regular standard
linking error of each student's indicator of fulfilling the optimal standard
Simulated data
in multiple imputed and nested multiple imputed dataWith (nested) multiple imputations, the determination coefficient has to be
computed for each imputed data set and pooled afterwards.
provide pooling routines
according to Harel (2009). The function requires that the coefficients from the multiple imputed
analyses are already available.
pool.R2 ( r2, N, verbose = TRUE )
pool.R2 ( r2, N, verbose = TRUE )
r2 |
For multiple imputed data, a numeric vector of |
N |
Optional: the sample size of each imputed data set. Only necessary if the standard error for the pooled |
verbose |
Optional: Print additional messages to console? |
Returns a data.frame with one or two columns which contains the pooled value and optionally it's standard error.
Harel, O. (2009): The estimation of and adjusted
in incomplete data
sets using multiple imputation. Journal of Applied Statistics. 36, 10, 1109–1118.
# multiple imputation, assume that the regression analysis was fitted for five imputed data sets, # resulting in five R^2 values. Assume sample sizes of 340 r2 <- c(0.12395, 0.15261, 0.16125, 0.11029, 0.1871) Ns <- rep(340,5) pool.R2 ( r2=r2, N=Ns) # without standard error pool.R2 ( r2=r2) # nested multiple imputation r2 <- list(nest1 = c(0.12395, 0.15261, 0.16125, 0.11029, 0.1871), nest2 = c(0.10603, 0.08876, 0.09248, 0.13331, 0.1114), nest3 = c(0.17228, 0.25203, 0.13132, 0.23331, 0.10069)) Ns <- lapply(1:3, FUN = function (x) {rep(290, 5)}) pool.R2 ( r2=r2, N=Ns) # without standard error pool.R2 ( r2=r2)
# multiple imputation, assume that the regression analysis was fitted for five imputed data sets, # resulting in five R^2 values. Assume sample sizes of 340 r2 <- c(0.12395, 0.15261, 0.16125, 0.11029, 0.1871) Ns <- rep(340,5) pool.R2 ( r2=r2, N=Ns) # without standard error pool.R2 ( r2=r2) # nested multiple imputation r2 <- list(nest1 = c(0.12395, 0.15261, 0.16125, 0.11029, 0.1871), nest2 = c(0.10603, 0.08876, 0.09248, 0.13331, 0.1114), nest3 = c(0.17228, 0.25203, 0.13132, 0.23331, 0.10069)) Ns <- lapply(1:3, FUN = function (x) {rep(290, 5)}) pool.R2 ( r2=r2, N=Ns) # without standard error pool.R2 ( r2=r2)
Compute generalized linear models for complex cluster designs with multiple imputed variables based
on the Jackknife (JK1, JK2) or balanced repeated replicates (BRR) procedure. Conceptually, the function combines replication
methods and methods for multiple imputed data. Technically, this is a wrapper for the svyglm
of the survey
repGlm(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.delimiter = "_", cross.differences = FALSE, trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, formula, family=gaussian, forceSingularityTreatment = FALSE, glmTransformation = c("none", "sdY"), doCheck = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, poolMethod = c("mice", "scalar"), useWec = FALSE, scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, hetero=TRUE, se_type = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"), clusters = NULL, crossDiffSE.engine= c("lavaan", "lm"), stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL)
repGlm(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.delimiter = "_", cross.differences = FALSE, trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, formula, family=gaussian, forceSingularityTreatment = FALSE, glmTransformation = c("none", "sdY"), doCheck = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, poolMethod = c("mice", "scalar"), useWec = FALSE, scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, hetero=TRUE, se_type = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"), clusters = NULL, crossDiffSE.engine= c("lavaan", "lm"), stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL)
datL |
Data frame in the long format (i.e. each line represents one ID unit in one imputation of one nest) containing all variables for analysis. |
ID |
Variable name or column number of student identifier (ID) variable. ID variable must not contain any missing values. |
wgt |
Optional: Variable name or column number of weighting variable. If no weighting variable is specified, all cases will be equally weighted. |
type |
Defines the replication method for cluster replicates which is to be applied. Depending on |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating the primary sampling unit (PSU). When a jackknife procedure is applied,
the PSU is the jackknife zone variable. If |
repInd |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating replicate ID. In a jackknife procedure, this is the jackknife replicate
variable. If |
repWgt |
Normally, replicate weights are created by |
nest |
Optional: name or column number of the nesting variable. Only applies in nested multiple imputed data sets. |
imp |
Optional: name or column number of the imputation variable. Only applies in multiple imputed data sets. |
groups |
Optional: vector of names or column numbers of one or more grouping variables. |
group.splits |
Optional: If groups are defined, |
group.delimiter |
Character string which separates the group names in the output frame. |
cross.differences |
Either a list of vectors, specifying the pairs of levels for which cross-level differences should be computed.
Alternatively, if |
trend |
Optional: name or column number of the trend variable which contains the measurement time of the survey.
Note: Levels of all grouping variables and predictors must be equal in all 'sub populations' partitioned by the discrete trend variable.
linkErr |
Optional: name or column number of the linking error variable. If |
formula |
Model formula, see help page of |
family |
A description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. See help page of |
forceSingularityTreatment |
Logical: Forces the function to use the workaround to handle singularities in regression models. |
glmTransformation |
Optional: Allows for transformation of parameters from linear regression and logistic regression before pooling.
Useful to compare parameters from different glm models, see Mood (2010). Note: This argument applies only if
doCheck |
Logical: Check the data for consistency before analysis? If |
na.rm |
Logical: Should cases with missing values be dropped? |
poolMethod |
Which pooling method should be used? The “mice” method is recommended. |
useWec |
Logical: use weighted effect coding? |
scale |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
rscales |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
mse |
Logical: If |
rho |
Shrinkage factor for weights in Fay's method. See help page of |
hetero |
Logical: Assume heteroscedastic variance for weighted effect coding? Only applies for random samples, i.e. if no replication analyses are executed. |
se_type |
The sort of standard error sought for cross level differences. Only applies if |
clusters |
Optional: Variable name or column number of cluster variable. Only necessary if weighted effecting coding
should be performed using heteroscedastic variances. See the help page of |
crossDiffSE.engine |
Optional: Sort of estimator which should be used for standard error estimation in weighted effect coding regression.
Only applies if |
stochasticGroupSizes |
Logical: Assume stochastic group sizes for using weighted effect coding regression with categorical predictors? Note: To date, only lavaan allows for stochastic group sizes. Stochastic group sizes cannot be assumed if any replication method (jackknife, BRR) is applied. |
verbose |
Logical: Show analysis information on console? |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar on console? |
nCores |
integer (default: NULL), number of cores to use for parallel processing, if |
Function first creates replicate weights based on PSU
and repInd
variables according to JK2 or
BRR procedure. According to multiple imputed data sets, a workbook with several analyses is created.
The function afterwards serves as a wrapper for svyglm
implemented in the survey
The results of the several analyses are then pooled according to Rubin's rule, which is adapted for nested
imputations if the nest
argument implies a nested structure.
A list of data frames in the long format. The output can be summarized using the report
The first element of the list is a list with either one (no trend analyses) or two (trend analyses)
data frames with at least six columns each. For each subpopulation denoted by the groups
statement, each dependent variable, each parameter and each coefficient the corresponding value is given.
group |
Denotes the group an analysis belongs to. If no groups were specified and/or analysis for the whole sample were requested, the value of ‘group’ is ‘wholeGroup’. |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable in the analysis. |
modus |
Denotes the mode of the analysis. For example, if a JK2 analysis without sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘jk2.unweighted’. If a analysis without any replicates but with sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘weighted’. |
parameter |
Denotes the parameter of the regression model for which the corresponding value is given further. Amongst others, the ‘parameter’ column takes the values ‘(Intercept)’ and ‘gendermale’ if ‘gender’ was the dependent variable, for instance. See example 1 for further details. |
coefficient |
Denotes the coefficient for which the corresponding value is given further. Takes the values ‘est’ (estimate) and ‘se’ (standard error of the estimate). |
value |
The value of the parameter estimate in the corresponding group. |
If groups were specified, further columns which are denoted by the group names are added to the data frame.
te Grotenhuis, M., Pelzer, B., Eisinga, R., Nieuwenhuis, R., Schmidt-Catran, A., & Konig, R. (2017). When size matters: advantages of weighted effect coding in observational studies. International Journal of Public Health. 62, 163–167.
### load example data (long format) data(lsa) ### use only the first nest bt <- lsa[which(lsa[,"nest"] == 1),] ### use only data from 2010 bt2010 <- bt[which(bt[,"year"] == 2010),] ## use only reading data bt2010read <- bt2010[which(bt2010[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### Example 1: Computes linear regression from reading score on gender separately ### for each country. Assume no nested structure. mod1 <- repGlm(datL = bt2010read, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", type = "jk2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", groups = "country", formula = score~sex, family ="gaussian") res1 <- report(mod1, printGlm = TRUE) ### Example 2: Computes log linear regression from pass/fail on ses and gender ### separately for each country in a nested structure. Assuming equally weighted ### cases by omitting "wgt" argument dat <- lsa[intersect(which(lsa[,"year"] == 2010), which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading")),] mod2 <- repGlm(datL = dat, ID = "idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", nest="nest", groups = "country", formula = passReg~sex*ses, family = quasibinomial(link="logit")) res2 <- report(mod2, printGlm = TRUE) ### Example 3: Like example 1, but without any replication methods ### trend estimation (without linking error) and nested imputation dat <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] mod3 <- repGlm(datL = dat, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp = "imp", nest = "nest", groups = "country", formula = score~sex, trend = "year") res3 <- report(mod3, printGlm = TRUE)
### load example data (long format) data(lsa) ### use only the first nest bt <- lsa[which(lsa[,"nest"] == 1),] ### use only data from 2010 bt2010 <- bt[which(bt[,"year"] == 2010),] ## use only reading data bt2010read <- bt2010[which(bt2010[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### Example 1: Computes linear regression from reading score on gender separately ### for each country. Assume no nested structure. mod1 <- repGlm(datL = bt2010read, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", type = "jk2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", groups = "country", formula = score~sex, family ="gaussian") res1 <- report(mod1, printGlm = TRUE) ### Example 2: Computes log linear regression from pass/fail on ses and gender ### separately for each country in a nested structure. Assuming equally weighted ### cases by omitting "wgt" argument dat <- lsa[intersect(which(lsa[,"year"] == 2010), which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading")),] mod2 <- repGlm(datL = dat, ID = "idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", nest="nest", groups = "country", formula = passReg~sex*ses, family = quasibinomial(link="logit")) res2 <- report(mod2, printGlm = TRUE) ### Example 3: Like example 1, but without any replication methods ### trend estimation (without linking error) and nested imputation dat <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] mod3 <- repGlm(datL = dat, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp = "imp", nest = "nest", groups = "country", formula = score~sex, trend = "year") res3 <- report(mod3, printGlm = TRUE)
Compute multilevel linear models for complex cluster designs with multiple imputed variables based
on the Jackknife (JK1, JK2) procedure. Conceptually, the function combines replication
methods and methods for multiple imputed data. Technically, this is a wrapper for the BIFIE.twolevelreg
of the BIFIEsurvey
package. repLmer
only adds functionality for trend estimation. Please note
that the function is not suitable for logistic logit/probit models.
repLmer(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, L1wgt=NULL, L2wgt=NULL, type = c("JK2", "JK1"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac = NULL, rho = NULL, imp=NULL, group = NULL, trend = NULL, dependent, formula.fixed, formula.random, doCheck = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, clusters, verbose = TRUE)
repLmer(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, L1wgt=NULL, L2wgt=NULL, type = c("JK2", "JK1"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac = NULL, rho = NULL, imp=NULL, group = NULL, trend = NULL, dependent, formula.fixed, formula.random, doCheck = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, clusters, verbose = TRUE)
datL |
Data frame in the long format (i.e. each line represents one ID unit in one imputation of one nest) containing all variables for analysis. |
ID |
Variable name or column number of student identifier (ID) variable. ID variable must not contain any missing values. |
wgt |
Optional: Variable name or column number of case weighting variable. If no weighting variable is specified, all cases will be equally weighted. |
L1wgt |
Name of Level 1 weight variable. This is optional. If it is not provided, |
L2wgt |
Name of Level 2 weight variable |
type |
Defines the replication method for cluster replicates which is to be applied. Depending on |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating the primary sampling unit (PSU). When a jackknife procedure is applied,
the PSU is the jackknife zone variable. If |
repInd |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating replicate ID. In a jackknife procedure, this is the jackknife replicate
variable. If |
jkfac |
Argument is passed to |
rho |
Fay factor for statistical inference. The argument is passed to the |
imp |
Name or column number of the imputation variable. |
group |
Optional: column number or name of one grouping variable. Note: in contrast to |
trend |
Optional: name or column number of the trend variable which contains the measurement time of the survey.
dependent |
Name or column number of the dependent variable |
formula.fixed |
An R formula for fixed effects |
formula.random |
An R formula for random effects |
doCheck |
Logical: Check the data for consistency before analysis? If |
na.rm |
Logical: Should cases with missing values be dropped? |
clusters |
Variable name or column number of cluster variable. |
verbose |
Logical: Show analysis information on console? |
A list of data frames in the long format. The output can be summarized using the report
The first element of the list is a list with either one (no trend analyses) or two (trend analyses)
data frames with at least six columns each. For each subpopulation denoted by the groups
statement, each dependent variable, each parameter and each coefficient the corresponding value is given.
group |
Denotes the group an analysis belongs to. If no groups were specified and/or analysis for the whole sample were requested, the value of ‘group’ is ‘wholeGroup’. |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable in the analysis. |
modus |
Denotes the mode of the analysis. For example, if a JK2 analysis without sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘jk2.unweighted’. If a analysis without any replicates but with sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘weighted’. |
parameter |
Denotes the parameter of the regression model for which the corresponding value is given further. Amongst others, the ‘parameter’ column takes the values ‘(Intercept)’ and ‘gendermale’ if ‘gender’ was the dependent variable, for instance. See example 1 for further details. |
coefficient |
Denotes the coefficient for which the corresponding value is given further. Takes the values ‘est’ (estimate) and ‘se’ (standard error of the estimate). |
value |
The value of the parameter estimate in the corresponding group. |
If groups were specified, further columns which are denoted by the group names are added to the data frame.
### load example data (long format) data(lsa) ### use only the first nest, use only reading btRead <- subset(lsa, nest==1 & domain=="reading") ### random intercept model with groups mod1 <- repLmer(datL = btRead, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", L1wgt="L1wgt", L2wgt="L2wgt", type = "jk2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp",trend="year", group="country", dependent="score", formula.fixed = ~as.factor(sex)+mig, formula.random=~1, clusters="idclass") res1 <- report(mod1) ### random slope without groups and without trend mod2 <- repLmer(datL = subset(btRead, country=="countryA" & year== 2010), ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", L1wgt="L1wgt", L2wgt="L2wgt", type = "jk2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", dependent="score", formula.fixed = ~as.factor(sex)*mig, formula.random=~mig, clusters="idclass") res2 <- report(mod2)
### load example data (long format) data(lsa) ### use only the first nest, use only reading btRead <- subset(lsa, nest==1 & domain=="reading") ### random intercept model with groups mod1 <- repLmer(datL = btRead, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", L1wgt="L1wgt", L2wgt="L2wgt", type = "jk2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp",trend="year", group="country", dependent="score", formula.fixed = ~as.factor(sex)+mig, formula.random=~1, clusters="idclass") res1 <- report(mod1) ### random slope without groups and without trend mod2 <- repLmer(datL = subset(btRead, country=="countryA" & year== 2010), ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", L1wgt="L1wgt", L2wgt="L2wgt", type = "jk2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", dependent="score", formula.fixed = ~as.factor(sex)*mig, formula.random=~mig, clusters="idclass") res2 <- report(mod2)
Compute totals, means, adjusted means, mean differences, variances and standard deviations
with standard errors in random or clustered or complex samples. Variance estimation in complex cluster
designs based on Jackknife (JK1, JK2) or Balanced Repeated Replicates (BRR) procedure. Moreover, analyses
can be customized for multiple or nested imputed variables, applying the combination rules of Rubin (1987)
for imputed data and Rubin (2003) for nested imputed data. Conceptually, the function combines replication
methods and methods for multiple imputed data. Trend estimation as usual in large-scale assessments is supported as well.
Technically, this is a wrapper for the svymean
and svyvar
functions of the survey
repMean (datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac=NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, crossDiffSE = c("wec", "rep","old"), adjust = NULL, useEffectLiteR = FALSE, nBoot = 100, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, na.rm = FALSE, doCheck = TRUE, engine = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"), scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, hetero=TRUE, se_type = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"), clusters = NULL, crossDiffSE.engine= c("lavaan", "lm"), stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL)
repMean (datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac=NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, crossDiffSE = c("wec", "rep","old"), adjust = NULL, useEffectLiteR = FALSE, nBoot = 100, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, na.rm = FALSE, doCheck = TRUE, engine = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"), scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, hetero=TRUE, se_type = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"), clusters = NULL, crossDiffSE.engine= c("lavaan", "lm"), stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL)
datL |
Data frame in the long format (i.e. each line represents one ID unit in one imputation of one nest) containing all variables for analysis. |
ID |
Variable name or column number of student identifier (ID) variable. ID variable must not contain any missing values. |
wgt |
Optional: Variable name or column number of weighting variable. If no weighting variable is specified, all cases will be equally weighted. |
type |
Defines the replication method for cluster replicates which is to be applied. Depending on |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating the primary sampling unit (PSU). When a jackknife procedure is applied,
the PSU is the jackknife zone variable. If |
repInd |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating replicate ID. In a jackknife procedure, this is the jackknife replicate
variable. If |
jkfac |
Only applies if |
repWgt |
Normally, replicate weights are created by |
nest |
Optional: name or column number of the nesting variable. Only applies in nested multiple imputed data sets. |
imp |
Optional: name or column number of the imputation variable. Only applies in multiple imputed data sets. |
groups |
Optional: vector of names or column numbers of one or more grouping variables. |
group.splits |
Optional: If groups are defined, |
group.differences.by |
Optional: Specifies variable group differences should be computed for. The corresponding variable must be included in
the |
cross.differences |
Either a list of vectors, specifying the pairs of levels for which cross-level differences should be computed.
Alternatively, if |
crossDiffSE |
Method for standard error estimation for cross level differences, where groups are dependent.
adjust |
Variable name or column number of variable(s) for which adjusted means should be computed. Non-numeric variables (factors) will be converted to 0/1 dichotomous variables. |
useEffectLiteR |
Logical: use the |
nBoot |
Without replicates (i.e., for completely random samples), the |
group.delimiter |
Character string which separates the group names in the output frame. |
trend |
Optional: name or column number of the trend variable which contains the measurement time of the survey.
Note: Levels of all grouping variables must be equal in all 'sub populations' partitioned by the discrete trend variable.
linkErr |
Optional: Either the name or column number of the linking error variable. If |
dependent |
Variable name or column number of the dependent variable. |
na.rm |
Logical: Should cases with missing values be dropped? |
doCheck |
Logical: Check the data for consistency before analysis? If |
engine |
Which package should be used for estimation? |
scale |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
rscales |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
mse |
Logical: If |
rho |
Shrinkage factor for weights in Fay's method. If |
hetero |
Logical: Assume heteroscedastic variance for weighted effect coding? |
se_type |
The sort of standard error sought for cross level differences. Only applies if |
clusters |
Optional: Variable name or column number of cluster variable. Only necessary if weighted effecting coding
should be performed using heteroscedastic variances. See the help page of |
crossDiffSE.engine |
Software implementation used for estimating cross-level differences. Choices are either |
stochasticGroupSizes |
Logical: Assume stochastic group sizes for using weighted effect coding in cross-level differences? Note: To date,
only |
verbose |
Logical: Show analysis information on console? |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar on console? |
nCores |
integer (default: NULL), number of cores to use for parallel processing, if |
Function first creates replicate weights based on PSU and repInd variables (if defined) according to JK2 or BRR procedure
as implemented in WesVar. According to multiple imputed data sets, a workbook with several analyses is created.
The function afterwards serves as a wrapper for svymean
called by svyby
implemented in
the ‘survey’ package. The results of the several analyses are then pooled according to Rubin's rule.
A list of data frames in the long format. The output can be summarized using the report
The first element of the list is a list with either one (no trend analyses) or two (trend analyses)
data frames with at least six columns each. For each subpopulation denoted by the groups
statement, each parameter (i.e., mean, variance, or group differences) and each coefficient (i.e., the estimate
and the corresponding standard error) the corresponding value is given.
group |
Denotes the group an analysis belongs to. If no groups were specified and/or analysis for the whole sample were requested, the value of ‘group’ is ‘wholeGroup’. |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable in the analysis. |
modus |
Denotes the mode of the analysis. For example, if a JK2 analysis without sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘jk2.unweighted’. If a analysis without any replicates but with sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘weighted’. |
parameter |
Denotes the parameter of the regression model for which the corresponding value is given further. Amongst others, the ‘parameter’ column takes the values ‘mean’, ‘sd’, ‘var’ and ‘meanGroupDiff’ if group differences were requested. |
coefficient |
Denotes the coefficient for which the corresponding value is given further. Takes the values ‘est’ (estimate) and ‘se’ (standard error of the estimate). |
value |
The value of the parameter estimate in the corresponding group. |
If groups were specified, further columns which are denoted by the group names are added to the data frame.
te Grotenhuis, M., Pelzer, B., Eisinga, R., Nieuwenhuis, R., Schmidt-Catran, A., & Konig, R. (2017). When size matters: advantages of weighted effect coding in observational studies. International Journal of Public Health. 62, 163–167.
Sachse, K. A. & Haag, N. (2017). Standard errors for national trends in international large-scale assessments in the case of cross-national differential item functioning. Applied Measurement in Education, 30, (2), 102-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08957347.2017.1283315
Weirich, S., Hecht, M., Becker, B. et al. Comparing group means with the total mean in random samples, surveys, and large-scale assessments: A tutorial and software illustration. Behav Res (2021). https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01553-1
data(lsa) ### Example 1: only means, SD and variances for each country ### We only consider domain 'reading' rd <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### We only consider the first "nest". rdN1 <- rd[which(rd[,"nest"] == 1),] ### First, we only consider year 2010 rdN1y10<- rdN1[which(rdN1[,"year"] == 2010),] ### mean estimation means1 <- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, engine = "BIFIEsurvey") ### reporting function: the function does not know which content domain is being considered, ### so the user may add new columns in the output using the 'add' argument res1 <- report(means1, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Example 1a: Additionally to example 1, we decide to estimate whether ### each country's mean differ significantly from the overall mean as well ### as from the individual means of the other contries means1a<- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", group.splits = 0:1, group.differences.by = "country", cross.differences = TRUE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, hetero=FALSE) res1a <- report(means1a, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### See that the means of all countries significantly differ from the overall mean. print(res1a[intersect(which(res1a[,"comparison"] == "crossDiff"), which(res1a[,"parameter"] == "mean")),], digits = 3) ### Example 2: Sex differences by country. Assume equally weighted cases by omitting ### 'wgt' argument. means2 <- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, cross.differences =TRUE, crossDiffSE.engine= "lm") res2 <- report(means2,add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Example 2a: Additionally to example 2, we decide to estimate whether ### each country's mean differ significantly from the overall mean. (Note: by default, ### such cross level differences are estimated using 'weighted effect coding'. Use the ### 'crossDiffSE' argument to choose alternative methods.) Moreover, we estimate whether ### each country's sex difference differ significantly from the sex difference in the ### whole population. means2a<- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, crossDiffSE.engine= "lm", clusters = "idclass") res2a <- report(means2a,add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Third example: like example 2a, but using nested imputations of dependent variable, ### and additionally estimating trend: use 'rd' instead of 'rdN1y10' ### assume equally weighted cases by omitting 'wgt' argument ### ignoring jackknife by omitting 'type', 'PSU' and 'repInd' argument means3T<- repMean(datL = rd, ID="idstud", imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE = "wec", crossDiffSE.engine= "lavaan") res3T <- report(means3T, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Example 3a: like example 3, but providing linking errors in an additional data.frame ### This is optional for two measurement occasions but mandatory if the analysis contains ### more than two measurement occasions linkErr<- data.frame ( trendLevel1 = 2010, trendLevel2 = 2015, depVar = "score", parameter = "mean", unique(lsa[,c("domain", "leScore")]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(linkErr) <- car::recode(colnames(linkErr), "'leScore'='linkingError'") ### note that the linking errors for the specified domain have to be chosen via ### subsetting means3a<- repMean(datL = rd, ID="idstud", imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = linkErr[which(linkErr[,"domain"] == "reading"),], crossDiffSE = "wec", crossDiffSE.engine= "lavaan") res3a <- report(means3a, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Fourth example: using a loop do analyse 'reading' and 'listening' comprehension ### in one function call. Again with group and cross differences and trends, and ### trend differences ### we use weights but omit jackknife analysis by omitting 'type', 'PSU' and 'repInd' ### argument means4T<- by ( data = lsa, INDICES = lsa[,"domain"], FUN = function (sub.dat) { repMean(datL = sub.dat, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE.engine= "lm") }) ret4T <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(means4T), FUN = function ( domain ) { report(means4T[[domain]], add = list(domain = domain))})) ### Fifth example: compute adjusted means, also with trend estimation ### Note: all covariates must be numeric or 0/1 dichotomous rdN1[,"mignum"] <- as.numeric(rdN1[,"mig"]) rdN1[,"sexnum"] <- car::recode(rdN1[,"sex"], "'male'=0; 'female'=1", as.numeric=TRUE, as.factor=FALSE) means5 <- repMean(datL = rdN1, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", adjust = c("sexnum", "ses", "mignum"), useEffectLiteR = FALSE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore") res5 <- report(means5, add = list(domain = "reading")) ## Not run: ############################################################################################ # Example 6: R code for running the PISA 2015 science example to compare group means # # with the total mean using weighted effect coding # ############################################################################################ # Warning: large PISA data set requires at least 16 GB free working memory (RAM): ### define necessary directories (note: writing permissions required) folder <- tempdir() ### download PISA 2015 zipped student questionnaire data (420 MB) to a folder with ### writing permissions download.file(url = "https://webfs.oecd.org/pisa/PUF_SPSS_COMBINED_CMB_STU_QQQ.zip", destfile = file.path(folder, "pisa2015.zip")) ### unzip PISA 2015 student questionnaire data (1.5 GB) to temporary folder zip::unzip(zipfile = file.path(folder, "pisa2015.zip"), files= "CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ.sav", exdir=folder) ### read data pisa <- foreign::read.spss(file.path (folder, "CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ.sav"), to.data.frame=TRUE, use.value.labels = FALSE, use.missings = TRUE) # dependent variables measure.vars <- paste0("PV", 1:10, "SCIE") ### choose desired variables and reshape into the long format # 'CNTSTUID' = individual student identifier # 'CNT' = country identifier # 'SENWT' = senate weight (assume a population of 5000 in each country) # 'W_FSTUWT' = final student weight # 'OECD' = dummy variable indicating which country is part of the OECD # 'W_FSTURWT' (1 to 80) = balanced repeated replicate weights # 'PV1SCIE' to 'PV10SCIE' = 10 plausible values of (latent) science performance pisaLong <- reshape2::melt(pisa, id.vars = c("CNTSTUID", "CNT", "SENWT", "W_FSTUWT", "OECD", paste0("W_FSTURWT", 1:80)), measure.vars = measure.vars, value.name = "value", variable.name="imp", na.rm=TRUE) ### choose OECD countries oecd <- pisaLong[which(pisaLong[,"OECD"] == 1),] ### analyze data ### analysis takes approximately 30 minutes on an Intel i5-6500 machine with 32 GB RAM means <- repMean( datL = oecd, # data.frame in the long format ID = "CNTSTUID", # student identifier dependent = "value", # the dependent variable in the data groups = "CNT", # the grouping variable wgt = "SENWT", # (optional) weighting variable. We use senate # weights (assume a population of 5000 in each # country) type = "Fay", # type of replication method. Corresponding to # the PISA sampling method, we use "Fay" rho = 0.5, # shrinkage factor for weights in Fay's method scale = NULL, # scaling constant for variance, set to NULL # according to PISA's sampling method rscales = NULL, # scaling constant for variance, set to NULL # according to PISA's sampling method repWgt = paste0("W_FSTURWT", 1:80), # the replicate weights, # provided by the OECD imp = "imp", # the imputation variable mse = FALSE, # if TRUE, compute variances based on sum of # squares around the point estimate, rather # than the mean of the replicates. group.splits = 0:1, # defining the 'levels' for which means should # be computed. 0:1 implies that means for the # whole sample (level 0) as well as for groups # (level 1) are computed cross.differences = TRUE, # defines whether (and which) cross level mean # differences should be computed. TRUE means # that all cross level mean differences are # computed crossDiffSE = "wec", # method for standard errors of mean # differences crossDiffSE.engine = "lm", # software implementation for standard # errors of mean differences hetero = TRUE, # assume heteroscedastic group variances stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE # assume fixed group sizes ) ### call a reporting function to generate user-friendly output results <- report(means, exclude = c("Ncases", "NcasesValid", "var", "sd")) ## End(Not run)
data(lsa) ### Example 1: only means, SD and variances for each country ### We only consider domain 'reading' rd <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### We only consider the first "nest". rdN1 <- rd[which(rd[,"nest"] == 1),] ### First, we only consider year 2010 rdN1y10<- rdN1[which(rdN1[,"year"] == 2010),] ### mean estimation means1 <- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, engine = "BIFIEsurvey") ### reporting function: the function does not know which content domain is being considered, ### so the user may add new columns in the output using the 'add' argument res1 <- report(means1, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Example 1a: Additionally to example 1, we decide to estimate whether ### each country's mean differ significantly from the overall mean as well ### as from the individual means of the other contries means1a<- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", group.splits = 0:1, group.differences.by = "country", cross.differences = TRUE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, hetero=FALSE) res1a <- report(means1a, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### See that the means of all countries significantly differ from the overall mean. print(res1a[intersect(which(res1a[,"comparison"] == "crossDiff"), which(res1a[,"parameter"] == "mean")),], digits = 3) ### Example 2: Sex differences by country. Assume equally weighted cases by omitting ### 'wgt' argument. means2 <- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, cross.differences =TRUE, crossDiffSE.engine= "lm") res2 <- report(means2,add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Example 2a: Additionally to example 2, we decide to estimate whether ### each country's mean differ significantly from the overall mean. (Note: by default, ### such cross level differences are estimated using 'weighted effect coding'. Use the ### 'crossDiffSE' argument to choose alternative methods.) Moreover, we estimate whether ### each country's sex difference differ significantly from the sex difference in the ### whole population. means2a<- repMean(datL = rdN1y10, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, crossDiffSE.engine= "lm", clusters = "idclass") res2a <- report(means2a,add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Third example: like example 2a, but using nested imputations of dependent variable, ### and additionally estimating trend: use 'rd' instead of 'rdN1y10' ### assume equally weighted cases by omitting 'wgt' argument ### ignoring jackknife by omitting 'type', 'PSU' and 'repInd' argument means3T<- repMean(datL = rd, ID="idstud", imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE = "wec", crossDiffSE.engine= "lavaan") res3T <- report(means3T, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Example 3a: like example 3, but providing linking errors in an additional data.frame ### This is optional for two measurement occasions but mandatory if the analysis contains ### more than two measurement occasions linkErr<- data.frame ( trendLevel1 = 2010, trendLevel2 = 2015, depVar = "score", parameter = "mean", unique(lsa[,c("domain", "leScore")]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(linkErr) <- car::recode(colnames(linkErr), "'leScore'='linkingError'") ### note that the linking errors for the specified domain have to be chosen via ### subsetting means3a<- repMean(datL = rd, ID="idstud", imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = linkErr[which(linkErr[,"domain"] == "reading"),], crossDiffSE = "wec", crossDiffSE.engine= "lavaan") res3a <- report(means3a, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Fourth example: using a loop do analyse 'reading' and 'listening' comprehension ### in one function call. Again with group and cross differences and trends, and ### trend differences ### we use weights but omit jackknife analysis by omitting 'type', 'PSU' and 'repInd' ### argument means4T<- by ( data = lsa, INDICES = lsa[,"domain"], FUN = function (sub.dat) { repMean(datL = sub.dat, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", imp="imp", nest="nest", groups = c("country", "sex"), group.splits = 0:2, group.differences.by="sex", cross.differences = list(c(0,1), c(0,2)), dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore", crossDiffSE.engine= "lm") }) ret4T <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(means4T), FUN = function ( domain ) { report(means4T[[domain]], add = list(domain = domain))})) ### Fifth example: compute adjusted means, also with trend estimation ### Note: all covariates must be numeric or 0/1 dichotomous rdN1[,"mignum"] <- as.numeric(rdN1[,"mig"]) rdN1[,"sexnum"] <- car::recode(rdN1[,"sex"], "'male'=0; 'female'=1", as.numeric=TRUE, as.factor=FALSE) means5 <- repMean(datL = rdN1, ID="idstud", wgt="wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp="imp", groups = "country", adjust = c("sexnum", "ses", "mignum"), useEffectLiteR = FALSE, dependent = "score", na.rm=FALSE, doCheck=TRUE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leScore") res5 <- report(means5, add = list(domain = "reading")) ## Not run: ############################################################################################ # Example 6: R code for running the PISA 2015 science example to compare group means # # with the total mean using weighted effect coding # ############################################################################################ # Warning: large PISA data set requires at least 16 GB free working memory (RAM): ### define necessary directories (note: writing permissions required) folder <- tempdir() ### download PISA 2015 zipped student questionnaire data (420 MB) to a folder with ### writing permissions download.file(url = "https://webfs.oecd.org/pisa/PUF_SPSS_COMBINED_CMB_STU_QQQ.zip", destfile = file.path(folder, "pisa2015.zip")) ### unzip PISA 2015 student questionnaire data (1.5 GB) to temporary folder zip::unzip(zipfile = file.path(folder, "pisa2015.zip"), files= "CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ.sav", exdir=folder) ### read data pisa <- foreign::read.spss(file.path (folder, "CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ.sav"), to.data.frame=TRUE, use.value.labels = FALSE, use.missings = TRUE) # dependent variables measure.vars <- paste0("PV", 1:10, "SCIE") ### choose desired variables and reshape into the long format # 'CNTSTUID' = individual student identifier # 'CNT' = country identifier # 'SENWT' = senate weight (assume a population of 5000 in each country) # 'W_FSTUWT' = final student weight # 'OECD' = dummy variable indicating which country is part of the OECD # 'W_FSTURWT' (1 to 80) = balanced repeated replicate weights # 'PV1SCIE' to 'PV10SCIE' = 10 plausible values of (latent) science performance pisaLong <- reshape2::melt(pisa, id.vars = c("CNTSTUID", "CNT", "SENWT", "W_FSTUWT", "OECD", paste0("W_FSTURWT", 1:80)), measure.vars = measure.vars, value.name = "value", variable.name="imp", na.rm=TRUE) ### choose OECD countries oecd <- pisaLong[which(pisaLong[,"OECD"] == 1),] ### analyze data ### analysis takes approximately 30 minutes on an Intel i5-6500 machine with 32 GB RAM means <- repMean( datL = oecd, # data.frame in the long format ID = "CNTSTUID", # student identifier dependent = "value", # the dependent variable in the data groups = "CNT", # the grouping variable wgt = "SENWT", # (optional) weighting variable. We use senate # weights (assume a population of 5000 in each # country) type = "Fay", # type of replication method. Corresponding to # the PISA sampling method, we use "Fay" rho = 0.5, # shrinkage factor for weights in Fay's method scale = NULL, # scaling constant for variance, set to NULL # according to PISA's sampling method rscales = NULL, # scaling constant for variance, set to NULL # according to PISA's sampling method repWgt = paste0("W_FSTURWT", 1:80), # the replicate weights, # provided by the OECD imp = "imp", # the imputation variable mse = FALSE, # if TRUE, compute variances based on sum of # squares around the point estimate, rather # than the mean of the replicates. group.splits = 0:1, # defining the 'levels' for which means should # be computed. 0:1 implies that means for the # whole sample (level 0) as well as for groups # (level 1) are computed cross.differences = TRUE, # defines whether (and which) cross level mean # differences should be computed. TRUE means # that all cross level mean differences are # computed crossDiffSE = "wec", # method for standard errors of mean # differences crossDiffSE.engine = "lm", # software implementation for standard # errors of mean differences hetero = TRUE, # assume heteroscedastic group variances stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE # assume fixed group sizes ) ### call a reporting function to generate user-friendly output results <- report(means, exclude = c("Ncases", "NcasesValid", "var", "sd")) ## End(Not run)
, repTable
, and repGlm
Summarizes the output of the four main functions repMean
, repTable
, and repGlm
, and provides a single data.frame with all
report(repFunOut, trendDiffs = deprecated(), add=list(), exclude = c("NcasesValid", "var"), printGlm = FALSE, round = TRUE, digits = 3, printDeviance = FALSE, printSE_correction = FALSE) report2(repFunOut, add=list(), exclude = c("NcasesValid", "var"), printGlm = FALSE, round = TRUE, digits = 3, printDeviance = FALSE, printSE_correction = FALSE)
report(repFunOut, trendDiffs = deprecated(), add=list(), exclude = c("NcasesValid", "var"), printGlm = FALSE, round = TRUE, digits = 3, printDeviance = FALSE, printSE_correction = FALSE) report2(repFunOut, add=list(), exclude = c("NcasesValid", "var"), printGlm = FALSE, round = TRUE, digits = 3, printDeviance = FALSE, printSE_correction = FALSE)
repFunOut |
output of one of the four |
trendDiffs |
deprecated. In earlier versions of the package, this argument was used to determine differences in trends. As differences in trends are equivalent to the trend of differences (no matter whether group or cross-level differences), the argument was deprecated. If the user specifies group or cross-level difference along with trends, trends of differences are computed as well. |
add |
Optional: additional columns for output. See examples of the jk2-functions |
exclude |
Which parameters should be excluded from reporting? |
printGlm |
Only relevant for |
round |
Logical: should the results be rounded to a limited number of digits? |
digits |
How many digits should be used for rounding? |
printDeviance |
Only relevant for |
printSE_correction |
Logical: Print the differences of original SEs of cross
differences (method |
and report2
differ in the output which is returned. The output of report2
is optimized for further processing, i.e. drawing plots by means of the eatPlot
package. For
, the output is a data frame with at least nine columns.
group |
Denotes the group an analysis belongs to. If no groups were specified and/or analysis for the whole sample were requested, the value of ‘group’ is ‘wholeGroup’. |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable in the analysis. |
modus |
Denotes the mode of the analysis. For example, if a JK2 regression analysis was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘JK2.glm’. If a mean analysis without any replicates was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘CONV.mean’. |
comparison |
Denotes whether group mean comparisons or cross-level comparisons were conducted. Without any comparisons, ‘comparison’ takes the value ‘NA’ |
parameter |
Denotes the parameter of the corresponding analysis. If regression analysis was applied,
the regression parameter is given. Amongst others, the ‘parameter’ column takes the values
‘(Intercept)’ and ‘gendermale’ if ‘gender’ was the independent variable, for instance.
If mean analysis was applied, the ‘parameter’ column takes the values ‘mean’, ‘sd’,
‘var’, or ‘Nvalid’. See the examples of |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable (only if |
est |
Denotes the estimate of the corresponding analysis. |
se |
Denotes the standard error of the corresponding estimate. |
p |
Denotes the p value of the estimate. |
For report2
, the output is a list with four data.frames. The first data.frame plain
summarizes the
results in human-readable form. The data.frames 2 to 4 (comparisons
, group
, estimate
) are redundant
to plain
and contain the results in a technical presentation suitable for further processing in eatPlot
plain |
The complete results in human-readable form. |
comparison |
An allocation table that indicates which comparison (group comparison or cross-level comparison) relates to which groups. |
group |
A table that assigns an ID to each analysis unit. This makes it easier later on to read from the output which comparison relates to which groups. This simplifies the assignment, especially when comparing comparisons (i.e., cross-level differences of group differences). |
estimate |
The results of the analyses, assigned to their IDs. |
Benjamin Becker, Sebastian Weirich
### see examples of the eatRep main functions.
### see examples of the eatRep main functions.
Compute quantiles with standard errors for complex cluster designs with multiple imputed variables
(e.g. plausible values) based on Jackknife (JK1, JK2) or balanced repeated replicates (BRR) procedure. Conceptually,
the function combines replication methods and methods for multiple imputed data. Technically, this is a wrapper for
the svyquantile()
function of the survey package.
repQuantile(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), cross.differences = FALSE, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), na.rm = FALSE, nBoot = NULL, bootMethod = c("wSampling","wQuantiles") , doCheck = TRUE, scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE)
repQuantile(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), cross.differences = FALSE, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), na.rm = FALSE, nBoot = NULL, bootMethod = c("wSampling","wQuantiles") , doCheck = TRUE, scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE)
datL |
Data frame in the long format (i.e. each line represents one ID unit in one imputation of one nest) containing all variables for analysis. |
ID |
Variable name or column number of student identifier (ID) variable. ID variable must not contain any missing values. |
wgt |
Optional: Variable name or column number of weighting variable. If no weighting variable is specified, all cases will be equally weighted. |
type |
Defines the replication method for cluster replicates which is to be applied. Depending on |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating the primary sampling unit (PSU). When a jackknife procedure is applied,
the PSU is the jackknife zone variable. If |
repInd |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating replicate ID. In a jackknife procedure, this is the jackknife replicate
variable. If |
repWgt |
Normally, replicate weights are created by |
nest |
Optional: name or column number of the nesting variable. Only applies in nested multiple imputed data sets. |
imp |
Optional: name or column number of the imputation variable. Only applies in multiple imputed data sets. |
groups |
Optional: vector of names or column numbers of one or more grouping variables. |
group.splits |
Optional: If groups are defined, |
cross.differences |
Either a list of vectors, specifying the pairs of levels for which cross-level differences should be computed.
Alternatively, if TRUE, cross-level differences for all pairs of levels are computed. If FALSE, no cross-level
differences are computed. (see examples 2a, 3, and 4 in the help file of the |
group.delimiter |
Character string which separates the group names in the output frame. |
trend |
Optional: name or column number of the trend variable which contains the measurement time of the survey.
Note: Levels of all grouping variables must be equal in all 'sub populations' partitioned by the discrete trend variable.
linkErr |
Optional: Either the name or column number of the linking error variable. If |
dependent |
Variable name or column number of the dependent variable. |
probs |
Numeric vector with probabilities for which to compute quantiles. |
na.rm |
Logical: Should cases with missing values be dropped? |
nBoot |
Optional: Without replicates, standard error cannot be computed in a weighted sample. Alternatively, standard errors may
be computed using the |
bootMethod |
Optional: If standard error are computed in a bootstrap, two possible methods may be applied.
doCheck |
Logical: Check the data for consistency before analysis? If |
scale |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
rscales |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
mse |
Logical: If |
rho |
Shrinkage factor for weights in Fay's method. See help page of |
verbose |
Logical: Show analysis information on console? |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar on console? |
Function first creates replicate weights based on PSU and repInd variables according to JK2 or BRR procedure
implemented in WesVar. According to multiple imputed data sets, a workbook with several analyses is created.
The function afterwards serves as a wrapper for svyquantile
called by svyby
implemented in
the survey
package. The results of the several analyses are then pooled according to Rubins rule, which
is adapted for nested imputations if the dependent
argument implies a nested structure.
A list of data frames in the long format. The output can be summarized using the report
The first element of the list is a list with either one (no trend analyses) or two (trend analyses)
data frames with at least six columns each. For each subpopulation denoted by the groups
statement, each
dependent variable, each parameter (i.e., the values of the corresponding categories of the dependent variable)
and each coefficient (i.e., the estimate and the corresponding standard error) the corresponding value is given.
group |
Denotes the group an analysis belongs to. If no groups were specified and/or analysis for the whole sample were requested, the value of ‘group’ is ‘wholeGroup’. |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable in the analysis. |
modus |
Denotes the mode of the analysis. For example, if a JK2 analysis without sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘jk2.unweighted’. If a analysis without any replicates but with sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘weighted’. |
parameter |
Denotes the parameter of the regression model for which the corresponding value is given further. For frequency tables, this is the value of the category of the dependent variable which relative frequency is given further. |
coefficient |
Denotes the coefficient for which the corresponding value is given further. Takes the values ‘est’ (estimate) and ‘se’ (standard error of the estimate). |
value |
The value of the parameter, i.e. the relative frequency or its standard error. |
If groups were specified, further columns which are denoted by the group names are added to the data frame.
data(lsa) ### Example 1: only means, SD and variances for each country ### We only consider domain 'reading' rd <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### We only consider the first "nest". rdN1 <- rd[which(rd[,"nest"] == 1),] ### First, we only consider year 2010 rdN1y10<- rdN1[which(rdN1[,"year"] == 2010),] ### First example: Computes percentile in a nested data structure for reading ### scores conditionally on country and for the whole group perzent <- repQuantile(datL = rd, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", nest="nest", groups = "country", group.splits = c(0:1), dependent = "score", probs = seq(0.1,0.9,0.2) ) res <- report(perzent, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Second example: Computes percentile for reading scores conditionally on country, ### use 100 bootstrap samples, assume no nested structure perzent2 <- repQuantile(datL = rdN1y10, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp = "imp", groups = "country", dependent = "score", probs = seq(0.1,0.9,0.2), nBoot = 100 ) res2 <- report(perzent, add = list(domain = "reading"))
data(lsa) ### Example 1: only means, SD and variances for each country ### We only consider domain 'reading' rd <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### We only consider the first "nest". rdN1 <- rd[which(rd[,"nest"] == 1),] ### First, we only consider year 2010 rdN1y10<- rdN1[which(rdN1[,"year"] == 2010),] ### First example: Computes percentile in a nested data structure for reading ### scores conditionally on country and for the whole group perzent <- repQuantile(datL = rd, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", imp = "imp", nest="nest", groups = "country", group.splits = c(0:1), dependent = "score", probs = seq(0.1,0.9,0.2) ) res <- report(perzent, add = list(domain = "reading")) ### Second example: Computes percentile for reading scores conditionally on country, ### use 100 bootstrap samples, assume no nested structure perzent2 <- repQuantile(datL = rdN1y10, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp = "imp", groups = "country", dependent = "score", probs = seq(0.1,0.9,0.2), nBoot = 100 ) res2 <- report(perzent, add = list(domain = "reading"))
Compute frequency tables for categorical variables (e.g. factors: dichotomous or polytomous) in complex
cluster designs. Estimation of standard errors optionally takes the clustered structure and multiple imputed
variables into account. To date, Jackknife-1 (JK1), Jackknife-2 (JK2) and Balanced repeated replicate (BRR) methods are
implemented to account for clustered designs. Procedures of Rubin (1987) and Rubin (2003) are implemented to account for
multiple imputed data and nested imputed data, if necessary. Conceptually, the function combines replication and imputation
methods. Technically, this is a wrapper for the svymean
function of the survey
repTable(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac=NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, crossDiffSE = c("wec", "rep","old"), nBoot = 100, chiSquare = FALSE, correct = TRUE, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, separate.missing.indicator = FALSE, na.rm=FALSE, expected.values = NULL, doCheck = TRUE, forceTable = FALSE, engine = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"), scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL )
repTable(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac=NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, crossDiffSE = c("wec", "rep","old"), nBoot = 100, chiSquare = FALSE, correct = TRUE, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, separate.missing.indicator = FALSE, na.rm=FALSE, expected.values = NULL, doCheck = TRUE, forceTable = FALSE, engine = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"), scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL )
datL |
Data frame in the long format (i.e. each line represents one ID unit in one imputation of one nest) containing all variables for analysis. |
ID |
Variable name or column number of student identifier (ID) variable. ID variable must not contain any missing values. |
wgt |
Optional: Variable name or column number of weighting variable. If no weighting variable is specified, all cases will be equally weighted. |
type |
Defines the replication method for cluster replicates which is to be applied. Depending on |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating the primary sampling unit (PSU). When a jackknife procedure is applied,
the PSU is the jackknife zone variable. If |
repInd |
Variable name or column number of variable indicating replicate ID. In a jackknife procedure, this is the jackknife replicate
variable. If |
jkfac |
Only applies if |
repWgt |
Normally, replicate weights are created by |
nest |
Optional: name or column number of the nesting variable. Only applies in nested multiple imputed data sets. |
imp |
Optional: name or column number of the imputation variable. Only applies in multiple imputed data sets. |
groups |
Optional: vector of names or column numbers of one or more grouping variables. |
group.splits |
Optional: If groups are defined, |
group.differences.by |
Optional: Specifies one grouping variable for which a chi-square test should be applied.
The corresponding variable must be included in the |
cross.differences |
Either a list of vectors, specifying the pairs of levels for which cross-level differences should be computed.
Alternatively, if TRUE, cross-level differences for all pairs of levels are computed. If FALSE, no cross-level
differences are computed. (see examples 2a, 3, and 4 in the help file of the |
crossDiffSE |
Method for standard error estimation for cross level differences, where groups are dependent.
nBoot |
Without replicates (i.e., for completely random samples), the |
chiSquare |
Logical. Applies only if |
correct |
Logical. Applies only if 'group.differences.by' is requested without cluster replicates. A logical indicating whether to apply continuity correction when computing the test statistic for 2 by 2 tables. See help page of 'chisq.test' for further details. |
group.delimiter |
Character string which separates the group names in the output frame. |
trend |
Optional: name or column number of the trend variable which contains the measurement time of the survey.
Note: Levels of all grouping variables must be equal in all 'sub populations' partitioned by the discrete trend variable.
linkErr |
Optional: Either the name or column number of the linking error variable. If |
dependent |
Variable name or column number of the dependent variable. |
separate.missing.indicator |
Logical. Should frequencies of missings in dependent variable be integrated? Note: That is only useful if missing occur as |
na.rm |
Logical: Should cases with missing values be dropped? |
expected.values |
Optional. A vector of values expected in dependent variable. Recommend to left this argument empty. |
doCheck |
Logical: Check the data for consistency before analysis? If |
forceTable |
Logical: Function decides internally whether the table or the mean function of |
engine |
Which package should be used for estimation? |
scale |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
rscales |
scaling constant for variance, for details, see help page of |
mse |
Logical: If |
rho |
Shrinkage factor for weights in Fay's method. If |
verbose |
Logical: Show analysis information on console? |
progress |
Logical: Show progress bar on console? |
nCores |
integer (default: NULL), number of cores to use for parallel processing, if |
Function first creates replicate weights based on PSU and repInd variables according to JK2 procedure
implemented in WesVar. According to multiple imputed data sets, a workbook with several analyses is created.
The function afterwards serves as a wrapper for svymean
called by svyby
implemented in the survey
Relative frequencies of the categories of the dependent variable are computed by the means of the dichotomous indicators
(e.g. dummy variables) of each category. The results of the several analyses are then pooled according to Rubin's rule,
which is adapted for nested imputations if the dependent
argument implies a nested structure.
A list of data frames in the long format. The output can be summarized using the report
The first element of the list is a list with either one (no trend analyses) or two (trend analyses)
data frames with at least six columns each. For each subpopulation denoted by the groups
statement, each
dependent variable, each parameter (i.e., the values of the corresponding categories of the dependent variable)
and each coefficient (i.e., the estimate and the corresponding standard error) the corresponding value is given.
group |
Denotes the group an analysis belongs to. If no groups were specified and/or analysis for the whole sample were requested, the value of ‘group’ is ‘wholeGroup’. |
depVar |
Denotes the name of the dependent variable in the analysis. |
modus |
Denotes the mode of the analysis. For example, if a JK2 analysis without sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘jk2.unweighted’. If a analysis without any replicates but with sampling weights was conducted, ‘modus’ takes the value ‘weighted’. |
parameter |
Denotes the parameter of the regression model for which the corresponding value is given further. For frequency tables, this is the value of the category of the dependent variable which relative frequency is given further. |
coefficient |
Denotes the coefficient for which the corresponding value is given further. Takes the values ‘est’ (estimate) and ‘se’ (standard error of the estimate). |
value |
The value of the parameter, i.e. the relative frequency or its standard error. |
If groups were specified, further columns which are denoted by the group names are added to the data frame.
Rubin, D.B. (2003): Nested multiple imputation of NMES via partially incompatible MCMC. Statistica Neerlandica 57, 1, 3–18.
data(lsa) ### Example 1: only means, SD and variances for each country ### subsetting: We only consider domain 'reading' rd <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### We only consider the first "nest". rdN1 <- rd[which(rd[,"nest"] == 1),] ### First, we only consider year 2010 rdN1y10<- rdN1[which(rdN1[,"year"] == 2010),] ### First example: Computes frequencies of polytomous competence levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ### conditionally on country, using a chi-square test to decide whether the distribution ### varies between countries (it's an overall test, i.e. with three groups, df1=8). freq.tab1 <- repTable(datL = rdN1y10, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp="imp", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", dependent = "comp", chiSquare = TRUE) res1 <- report(freq.tab1, add = list ( domain = "reading" )) ### Second example: Computes frequencies of polytomous competence levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ### conditionally on country. Now we test whether the frequency of each single category ### differs between pairs of countries (it's not an overall test ... repTable now ### calls repMean internally, using dummy variables) freq.tab2 <- repTable(datL = rdN1y10, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp="imp", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE) res2 <- report(freq.tab2, add = list ( domain = "reading" )) ### Third example: trend estimation and nested imputation and 'by' loop ### (to date, only crossDiffSE = "old" works) freq.tab3 <- by ( data = lsa, INDICES = lsa[,"domain"], FUN = function (subdat) { repTable(datL = subdat, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp="imp", nest = "nest", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", group.splits = 0:1, cross.differences = TRUE, crossDiffSE = "old", dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leComp") }) res3 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(freq.tab3), FUN = function (domain) { report(freq.tab3[[domain]], add = list ( domain = domain )) })) ### Fourth example: similar to example 3. trend estimation using a linking ### error data.frame linkErrs <- data.frame ( trendLevel1 = 2010, trendLevel2 = 2015, depVar = "comp", unique(lsa[,c("domain", "comp", "leComp")]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(linkErrs) <- car::recode(colnames(linkErrs), "'comp'='parameter'; 'leComp'='linkingError'") freq.tab4 <- by ( data = lsa, INDICES = lsa[,"domain"], FUN = function (subdat) { repTable(datL = subdat, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", type="none", imp="imp", nest = "nest", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", group.splits = 0:1, cross.differences = FALSE, dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE, trend = "year", linkErr = linkErrs[which(linkErrs[,"domain"] == subdat[1,"domain"]),]) }) res4 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(freq.tab4), FUN = function (domain) { report(freq.tab4[[domain]], add = list ( domain = domain )) })) ### Fifth example: minimal example for three measurement occasions ### borrow data from the eatGADS package trenddat1 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2010.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat2 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2015.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat3 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2020.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat <- eatGADS::getTrendGADS(filePaths = c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), years = c(2010, 2015, 2020), fast=FALSE) dat <- eatGADS::extractData(trenddat) ### use template linking Error Object load(system.file("extdata", "linking_error.rda", package = "eatRep")) ### check consistency of data and linking error object check1 <- checkLEs(c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), lErr) ### Analysis for reading comprehension freq.tab5 <- repTable(datL = dat[which(dat[,"dimension"] == "reading"),], ID = "idstud", type="none", imp="imp", dependent = "traitLevel", chiSquare = FALSE, trend = "year", linkErr = lErr[which(lErr[,"domain"] == "reading"),]) res5 <- report(freq.tab5, add = list ( domain = "reading" )) res5A <- report2(freq.tab5, add = list ( domain = "reading" ))
data(lsa) ### Example 1: only means, SD and variances for each country ### subsetting: We only consider domain 'reading' rd <- lsa[which(lsa[,"domain"] == "reading"),] ### We only consider the first "nest". rdN1 <- rd[which(rd[,"nest"] == 1),] ### First, we only consider year 2010 rdN1y10<- rdN1[which(rdN1[,"year"] == 2010),] ### First example: Computes frequencies of polytomous competence levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ### conditionally on country, using a chi-square test to decide whether the distribution ### varies between countries (it's an overall test, i.e. with three groups, df1=8). freq.tab1 <- repTable(datL = rdN1y10, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp="imp", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", dependent = "comp", chiSquare = TRUE) res1 <- report(freq.tab1, add = list ( domain = "reading" )) ### Second example: Computes frequencies of polytomous competence levels (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ### conditionally on country. Now we test whether the frequency of each single category ### differs between pairs of countries (it's not an overall test ... repTable now ### calls repMean internally, using dummy variables) freq.tab2 <- repTable(datL = rdN1y10, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp="imp", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE) res2 <- report(freq.tab2, add = list ( domain = "reading" )) ### Third example: trend estimation and nested imputation and 'by' loop ### (to date, only crossDiffSE = "old" works) freq.tab3 <- by ( data = lsa, INDICES = lsa[,"domain"], FUN = function (subdat) { repTable(datL = subdat, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", imp="imp", nest = "nest", type = "JK2", PSU = "jkzone", repInd = "jkrep", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", group.splits = 0:1, cross.differences = TRUE, crossDiffSE = "old", dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE, trend = "year", linkErr = "leComp") }) res3 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(freq.tab3), FUN = function (domain) { report(freq.tab3[[domain]], add = list ( domain = domain )) })) ### Fourth example: similar to example 3. trend estimation using a linking ### error data.frame linkErrs <- data.frame ( trendLevel1 = 2010, trendLevel2 = 2015, depVar = "comp", unique(lsa[,c("domain", "comp", "leComp")]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) colnames(linkErrs) <- car::recode(colnames(linkErrs), "'comp'='parameter'; 'leComp'='linkingError'") freq.tab4 <- by ( data = lsa, INDICES = lsa[,"domain"], FUN = function (subdat) { repTable(datL = subdat, ID = "idstud", wgt = "wgt", type="none", imp="imp", nest = "nest", groups = "country", group.differences.by = "country", group.splits = 0:1, cross.differences = FALSE, dependent = "comp", chiSquare = FALSE, trend = "year", linkErr = linkErrs[which(linkErrs[,"domain"] == subdat[1,"domain"]),]) }) res4 <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(freq.tab4), FUN = function (domain) { report(freq.tab4[[domain]], add = list ( domain = domain )) })) ### Fifth example: minimal example for three measurement occasions ### borrow data from the eatGADS package trenddat1 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2010.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat2 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2015.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat3 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2020.db", package = "eatGADS") trenddat <- eatGADS::getTrendGADS(filePaths = c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), years = c(2010, 2015, 2020), fast=FALSE) dat <- eatGADS::extractData(trenddat) ### use template linking Error Object load(system.file("extdata", "linking_error.rda", package = "eatRep")) ### check consistency of data and linking error object check1 <- checkLEs(c(trenddat1, trenddat2, trenddat3), lErr) ### Analysis for reading comprehension freq.tab5 <- repTable(datL = dat[which(dat[,"dimension"] == "reading"),], ID = "idstud", type="none", imp="imp", dependent = "traitLevel", chiSquare = FALSE, trend = "year", linkErr = lErr[which(lErr[,"domain"] == "reading"),]) res5 <- report(freq.tab5, add = list ( domain = "reading" )) res5A <- report2(freq.tab5, add = list ( domain = "reading" ))