Package: eatTools

eatTools: Miscellaneous Functions for the Analysis of Educational Assessments

Miscellaneous functions for data cleaning and data analysis of educational assessments. Includes functions for descriptive analyses, character vector manipulations and weighted statistics. Mainly a lightweight dependency for the packages 'eatRep', 'eatGADS', 'eatPrep' and 'eatModel' (which will be subsequently submitted to 'CRAN'). The function for defining (weighted) contrasts in weighted effect coding refers to te Grotenhuis et al. (2017) <doi:10.1007/s00038-016-0901-1>. Functions for weighted statistics refer to Wolter (2007) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35099-8>.

Authors:Sebastian Weirich [aut, cre], Martin Hecht [aut], Karoline Sachse [aut], Benjamin Becker [aut], Nicole Mahler [aut], Edna Grewers [ctb]

eatTools.pdf |eatTools.html
eatTools/json (API)

# Install 'eatTools' in R:
install.packages('eatTools', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKJan 22 2025
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R-4.3-macOKJan 22 2025



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eatTools: Miscellaneous Functions for the Analysis of Educational AssessmentseatTools-package
Extract Parts of an Object (list)%$$%
Add leading zeros to all columns that can be identified as integers in a character data.frameaddLeadingZerosToCharInt
Convert a Vector, Matrix or Data Frame Into Numeric Values If PossibleasNumericIfPossible
Use 'asNumericIfPossible' with modified warning.catch_asNumericIfPossible
Removes special characterscleanifyString
Calculates contrasts for a weighted factor variable based on weighted effect codingcontr.wec.weighted
Remove Trailing and Leading Characters From Character Stringscrop
Descriptive statistics for one or several variablesdescr
Row bind a list while assigning names to rowsdo_call_rbind_withName
Internally needed function for consistency checks and data preparation.existsBackgroundVariables
Transform columns in a data framefacToChar
Pattern matching and replacementgsubAll
Split string exactly in two partshalveString
Insert Columns into a 'data.frame' at a Specific Positioninsert.col
Converts 'tbl' or 'data.table' objects to plain 'data.frames' for internal processingmakeDataFrame
Reshapes an unordered covariance/correlation matrix into triangular shapemakeTria
Merge Two Data Frames with additional messages and maintain variable attributesmergeAttr
multiple sequencesmultiseq
Drop rows containing missing valuesna_omit_selection
Transform continuous variables into ordered
Easy integration of (small) tables into (error) messagesprint_and_capture
Part-whole correlation for numeric data framespwc
Combine data.frames by row, using only common columns.rbind_common
Combine vectors of unequal length by row, filling missing columns with NA.rbind_fill_vector
Read in data.frames with separator characters >=1BytereadMultisep
Recode a variable according to a lookup tablerecodeLookup
Removes all non-numeric characters from a string.removeNonNumeric
Removes alphanumeric characters from a string.removeNumeric
Removes a specified pattern from a string.removePattern
Round a 'data.frame'.roundDF
Sequence generationseq2
Set the Class of Columns in a Data Frameset.col.type
Creates skeleton for frequency tables with desired valuestablePattern
Frequency table for data frames, e.g. across multiple columnstableUnlist
Matches a scalar with elements of a vector.whereAre
Transform wide format data sets into the long format necessary for eatRep analyseswideToLong
Computed weighted frequency tableswtdTable
Computed weighted variancewtdVar